Living Learning Communities allow students with similar interests, scholarships, or majors to live on a dedicated floor in a residence hall, participating in programs that support their academic, social, 和 personal needs. 学生 form strong friendships, build campus connections, 和 help each other achieve academic success.

The Loper Democracy Project is open to all majors. 在这里, you’ll live 和 work with others who share your passion for leadership 和 for building stronger, more inclusive communities. Choose this Living Learning Community to develop the knowledge 和 skills you’ll need to foster positive change.

Note: Application for membership due by March 31.

a student speaks at the Hispanic heritage month celebration

Why Join LDP

  • Take classes with others who want to be leaders in their communities
  • Meet the people who “get things done” in Nebraska communities 和 learn their secrets for success
  • 应用 your talents to organizations 和 causes you care about
  • Broaden your horizons through optional spring-break educational travel
students study together in discovery hall

Living Learning Communities

  • Meet people who share your interests on day one
  • Learn with a ready-made study group enrolled in the same course sections
  • Gain additional support from a peer mentor involved in your community 和 guiding your transition to college

Learn more about Communities

This community is sponsored by the American Democracy Project, College of 教育, 和 the Departments of 英语Political Science.