在West Center的brew Awakening中醒来并闻到咖啡的味道

发布:2022年8月16日12:00:00 AM CDT

It wasn’t too long ago that Brewed Awakening’s manager Heather Harrison, 如果提供, 会拒绝一杯咖啡吗. 尽管她接受了酿造觉醒公司经理的职位, 它位于bet36365体育的西校区, 她承认当时她甚至不喝咖啡. 从那以后,希瑟发生了很多变化. In addition to applying her education as a business major to help rebuild this student-run business, 她也学会了欣赏一杯好咖啡.


作为学生欢迎回到bet36365体育这个新学年, 他们也可以期待看到许多变化. For those taking classes located in the buildings on the west side of campus, 这是真的,只有一个地方,学生可以去吃饭, 研究, 或者只是闲逛, but this new meeting area has more going on than your average student union does.

Brewed Awakening offers more than just coffee in its open-space floor plan. 他们丰富的饮料菜单包括热饮,如咖啡, 茶, 苹果酒, 热巧克力, 还有几种浓缩咖啡品种. 对于那些想喝瓶装饮料的人来说, 选择包括百事可乐, 私酿的威士忌酒, 明星, 海洋喷雾, 、佳得乐. Anyone looking for a quick grab-and-go snack can find muffins in different flavors, 水果杯, 酸奶, 字符串的奶酪, 在brew Awakening有更多的选择. 还有热早餐和热午餐可供选择. With a new partnership with Billy Jack’s, breakfast pizza and pizza are now available. 那些想要丰盛一餐的人会发现早餐有墨西哥卷饼, 饼干和肉汁, 墨西哥玉米卷走, 菜单上有汤,还有很多素食选择.

不仅仅是一个地方找到美味的食物和饮料的选择, 酿造觉醒是一个宽敞的地方会见朋友, 研究, 或者远程工作. Being on the west side of bet36365体育’s campus no longer means going home after class to 随便吃点东西. Most will remember when there simply wasn’t a great lounge space or place to eat in West Center, 但多亏了翻新后的“酿造觉醒”大楼, bet36365体育有相当于学生的第二个学生会, 工作人员, 甚至未来的学生和他们的家人也可以享受. 据希瑟说, members of the general public often use part of their day to visit the bet36365体育 campus to work remotely at the coffee shop. Heather describes how Brewed Awakening has made a huge impact on the west side of campus, 给许多人留下了积极的印象.


学生 returning to campus shouldn’t expect to see any evidence of how this all started though. 据希瑟说, she spent the first few months as Brewed Awakening’s manager working in a building without power. She describes the challenges she faced navigating long extension cords while working. This was not the only obstacle she faced as the new manager of this student-run business. 现任bet36365体育bet36365体育投注, Heather credits her ability to transform Brewed Awakening into the successful business it is today to two factors. First, she learned how to observe her customers in order to anticipate their needs. She then used the marketing techniques she was taught in her classes to fulfill customers’ needs. 对希瑟来说,这就像看着课堂作业变成现实.

From her unique viewpoint as both a student at bet36365体育 and the manager of Brewed Awakening, Heather has been able to watch how people choose to use this innovative space nestled among the buildings of the west campus. Whether students are filling the tables while taking a break between classes or a professor is choosing to use this roomy and comfortable space for small group activities, Heather has noticed how the coffee shop has filled a void that she remembers feeling as an undergraduate student. Thanks to her work as Brewed Awakening’s manager as well as the work of her 工作人员, she is glad no one else will ever have to feel the need to leave campus to find a place to eat or to meet up with friends the way she once did. 除了学生和工作人员的日常使用, Heather has also been able to utilize Brewed Awakening to provide services for bet36365体育’s 校友会.

While this past year has presented challenges as the coffee shop has grown, 这也是一个充满激动人心的机会的时代. She has met and trained new 工作人员 while establishing routines to make everything run efficiently. 因为她今年一直在工作, she has enjoyed being able to expand the knowledge she learned as an undergraduate student. She is gaining hands-on experience about what it takes to run a business. 尽管她承认她天生不是一个列清单的人, 经营酿造觉醒教会了她组织的重要性, 包括创建列表. 她现在很重视, 更甚于以往, the need to be detail-oriented even though she recognizes there is always room for growth. 有条理, which she has learned truly makes all the difference when running a business, includes delegating tasks while learning the strengths and weaknesses of her employees. Heather appreciates the opportunity to participate in a student-run business while managing her 工作人员. 因为她的很多员工都是新人, she approaches her role as their manager as a chance to help them become acclimated to college life. Noting that having experience with coffee or even being a business student are not requirements to get hired at Brewed Awakening, 希瑟鼓励未来的员工去争取, not letting anxiety about working while attending college classes stand in the way of pursuing a job there.

她把这归功于她的助理经理, 米凯拉Buchli, with helping her learn the impact small details can have on the overall operation of running a business. Michaela has increased the productivity of the coffee shop by writing opening and closing procedures for employees. She has also created recipe cards as well as introducing new products to benefit customers.

In addition to those she works with, Heather is grateful for everyone who visits the coffee shop. 她特别欣赏他们建设性批评的影响, 加上他们积极和支持的态度, 对她有什么影响?. Through their encouragement she feels like she has gained the confidence needed to take the knowledge she acquired as a student and apply it to what she does day-to-day as the manager of this business.

Heather can’t wait to see everyone this fall Monday through Friday from 7:30-1:30. 骄傲的洛珀, she’s grateful to be involved with this place which she describes as not-your-average coffee shop. 作为这个舒适的地方的一部分,你可以放松, 随便吃点东西, 和研究, 在这里工作的每个人都愿意加倍努力. 不管是递给别人一杯日常的咖啡, 提供餐饮, 或者参加举办活动, 酿造觉醒的大门向所有人敞开. Stop by this semester and you’ll quickly understand why Heather and her 工作人员 enjoy working here. 你会觉得你已经发现了所有bet36365体育众所周知的. 让煮醒咖啡帮你泡一杯咖啡吧, 给你来点饼干和肉汁, 欢迎你回家.



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