bet36365体育高等教育学生事务硕士.S.Ed. 国际学生 Jennifer Bucci is living as a verb

发布:2023年4月27日上午10:00:00 CDT


“Oscar Wilde said that if you know what you want to be, then you inevitably become it – that is your punishment, 但如果你永远不知道, 然后你可以成为任何东西. 这是有道理的. 我们不是名词,而是动词. 我不是一个东西——一个演员, 一个作家——我是一个做事的人——我写作, 我行动——我从不知道我下一步要做什么. I think you can be imprisoned if you think of yourself as a noun,——史蒂芬·弗莱, 英国演员, 导演兼编剧. 

“I just think that's the most beautiful thing ever,” Jennifer Bucci said about Fry’s quote. “我的生活就是我所做的, 比如作为一个动词, not necessarily being a noun and limiting myself to a specific thing.” 

Bucci是内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校的一名学生 国际学生 from Toronto, Ontario, Canada will graduate this 五月 from the online 高等教育及学生事务硕士.S.Ed. 程序. This will be Bucci’s second master’s degree from the U.S. and she has no plans to stop living her life as a verb.



“这绝对是一段漫长的旅程,”布奇说. “I grew up playing baseball with the boys my whole life. I switched in about grade 11 to play softball and try to get recruited to come down to the states.” 

Then the call came from Eastern Michigan, but not for softball, for competitive rowing.  

“I didn't even know how to swim at the time,” Bucci recalled. “我以为这是个玩笑. I spoke to the coaches quite a few times and I went down for an official visit. They offered me the most money, so I thought, why not? One thing led to another, and I was there for six years.” 

Bucci had never participated in the sport prior to her collegiate career, which is common practice in recruiting collegiate level rowing teams. 六年后, two undergraduate degrees in psychology and public relations, 人力资源专业硕士学位, 翻船, 之后会有很多回忆, 布奇还不知道怎么游泳.



尽管布奇是一名国际学生, she only lived about 200 miles from her home city while attending Eastern Michigan. Her decision to move to Nebraska added an additional 880 miles between her and her family. 

Bucci decided to attend bet36365体育 after working for Eastern Michigan’s campus recreation center for four years. During this time, she developed a passion for campus recreation and working with college students. 

“I applied for honestly any campus recreation graduate assistant job I saw online,布奇笑着承认. 在几次面试之后, 我和安德鲁·温斯考特很有共鸣, bet36365体育 Campus Rec的副主任. That combined with knowing the emphasis that Andrew put on student development was huge.” 

Bucci packed her things into a U-Haul and made the 13-plus hour drive to Kearney, Nebraska. 当她的目的地临近时, she found herself feeling isolated by the many miles of fields and livestock.  

“I've never lived in any place like Nebraska before,布奇说. “I've obviously driven past farms and cornfields and cows, but I never actually saw a cow close-up until I moved here, 这太酷了. 我搬来这里之前从没听过牛叫. I've had the coolest experiences outside my comfort zone.” 


Adventure (verb): engaging in hazardous and exciting activity, 尤其是未知领域的探索.  

“The past couple of years in Nebraska have been life changing and I'm definitely living out all those adventures I've wanted to. Someone compared me to a kid in a candy shop,布奇说. 

Bucci has grasped every adventurous opportunity provided during her two years here at bet36365体育. 通过 bet36365体育's Campus Rec she has co-led a backpacking trip through the Appalachian Trail in Georgia and began rock climbing, 直面她的恐高症. In fact, if you could see Bucci’s mirror at home it would read, “Practice volunteer discomfort.” 

“I think that's so important and that is honestly the reason why I climb,布奇说. “A lot of people ask me if I like climbing and I wouldn't say I like it. I'm starting to a little bit more now, but I love that challenge it gives you. 我认为如果你不成长,你就会死去. So, I really try to find ways to push myself and grow.” 

Bucci also seeks adventure outside of campus recreational activities and has been to nearly 40 states in the U.S. 她希望访问美国的每一个州.S. 以及加拿大的每个省和地区. 

“Most of the weekends I've just been jetting off trying to maximize my time,布奇说. “I'm very aware of my finite time here, so I try to maximize everything that I have. 甚至当我去科尔尼公共图书馆的时候, I am just looking at everything and trying to soak everything in because I know my time is limited. I think a lot of 国际学生s can probably relate to that. It's something that I wish more domestic students could sort of wrap their head around because everyone's time is finite. 我认为活在当下是很重要的.” 


Appreciate (verb): to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of. 

“’Nebraska Nice’ is something I never heard of until I moved out here, 但我全心全意地相信,布奇说. “I think the people I've met here have been some of the most genuine, 脚踏实地, 我见过的最善良的人.” 

Bucci has experienced Nebraska nice with her bet36365体育 professors, 同学们, 校园康乐人员, 社区成员, 以及其他在bet36365体育就读的国际学生.

“这里的国际社会令人惊叹. I have really enjoyed getting to connect with people from all over the world,布奇说. “在密歇根, 我们有很多国际学生, 但在这里,它看起来非常紧密, 我很喜欢.”

Bucci plans to head home to Toronto after her 五月 graduation to spend some much-needed time with family but says leaving Kearney is “bittersweet.”

“There's a lot to look forward to, but there's also a lot of endings,” Bucci explained. “I'm trying to think of it more as see you laters and not goodbyes. I am pretty confident I'll find my way back here one way or another.” 

作者:Heidi Knake

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