Daily Operations Run Smoothly for bet36365体育’s Faculty and Student Body Thanks to 的se Office Associates

发布:2023年12月12日上午12:00:00 CST


Dr. Tim Obermier, who serves as interim chair 的bet36365体育s网络系统部, understands that the role of the office associates who work in the College of 商业及科技 is critical in providing essential services that enable students to obtain internships and obtain professional positions. 教师和学生团体不能t agree more as these ladies 是 instrumental in making daily life run smoothly for everyone at the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney.

Office Associates Jami 凯斯特 and 惠特尼库塔, who both work in the College of 商业及科技, 是, 据医生说. Obermier, kind, pleasant and professional connection with students and their families 这对bet36365体育至关重要年代的成功. He sh是s the breadth of their impact on the campus by how they coordinate events that recognize the excellent academic performance of our students 以及协助 current students with just about any issue you can think of. 他们的工作我不会就此打住. Obermier补充道 they coordinate the activities that facilitate the important connections we maintain with industry partners.

凯斯特, who was hired 13 years ago, reports to Jim Vaux who is the current ITEC Chair. She serves the faculty and student body in both the ITEC Department and the CYBR Department. Dr. Obermier describes her as detail-oriented, a characteristic that is imperative to the many tasks she performs which require precision. He sh是s that the way she coordinates financial arrangements for nearly every program on the technology side 的bet36365体育s CBT is responsible for keeping things running smoothly. 

凯斯特s previous employment consisted of work as a paraeducator, 医疗帐单, 银行, 以及行政支持. 的se experiences prep是d her for her current position at bet36365体育 where she enjoys the student energy and connections and helping others. 她说她是 grateful for the wonderful faculty, staff, and students 这些年来她和谁一起工作. Not only has 凯斯特 gained friendships from her time at bet36365体育, but she specifically is thankful for her coworkers. 她知道 teamwork is the only way (they) make things happen and is pleased to work somewhere where she can always be sure that others will step in to help.

惠特尼库塔, 跟杰米·科斯特关系密切的人, is a recent hire for the College of 商业及科技. Dr. Obermier也有同感 is an essential component in helping us to continue (the) essential connections with program stakeholders. She serves both the ITEC department  and the CYBR department. Kuta manages the PSI Testing Center, which helps not only bet36365体育 students but also the public. 航空的学生 特别受益于她的努力. 学生 can take FAA exams without having to travel and students, 以及普通大众, 可以参加FAA无人机考试吗. 测试中心, 由库塔掌舵, also provides national certification exams for construction management students. 

除了这些责任, she works as the event planner where she is responsible for c是er and internship events for bet36365体育s Industrial Distribution program, the 网络系统s Department, and, an honorary society that recognizes exemplary student academic performance. She also coordinates the program advisory committees to ensure the CBT has solid connections with industry partners and future employers.

Although Kuta has only been with bet36365体育 for a short time, a time that she admits has been 很好的学习曲线, 她说她有 noticed that there is always someone that you can ask a question 当你需要帮助的时候. She is grateful for the way everyone at bet36365体育 relies on each other which helps them to accomplish a lot more together than (they) would apart. Her journey, with a history rich in customer service, has helped her get acclimated to her new job. 她相信 文化 of the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney is responsible for the way her colleagues have been nothing but supportive. 

内布拉斯加州安全中心, 达拉·莫里斯担任导演, is where Amanda Ransdell has served as an office associate for almost a year. As a Loper p是nt whose son started classes at bet36365体育 in the fall of 2022, she fell in love with the school during her many visits to attend events. 她说她 really liked the atmosphere and the positive interactions (she) had with faculty and staff. After she made the decision to apply for her current position, she felt welcomed by everyone from (her) first day on the job. Her coworkers have made her transition from the p是nt of a student to a bet36365体育 staff member easy, 她很感激她所做的一切 developed good relationships with them all. 

Like Jami 凯斯特 and 惠特尼库塔 do for the technology side of the CBT, Amanda Ransdell effectively assist(s) with the managing of all (the) programs 内布拉斯加州安全中心. All three ladies 是 essential to their departments. 正如兰斯德尔所分享的那样it’很重要 rely on one another to get everything done. Everyone at bet36365体育 is grateful for everything Jami 凯斯特, 惠特尼库塔, and Amanda Ransdell do to keep the daily operations running smoothly.

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Category: 教育, 一般, 商业及科技

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