
In the event of a call-up of Reserve and National Guard Forces to active duty, bet36365体育 maintains a position of flexibility for students.

由学生选择, they may request a complete withdrawal from all courses at 100% refund of tuition and fees or the student may wish to remain enrolled in classes and discuss options for completing requirements or obtaining a grade of Incomplete with the instructor of each course.

在所有情况下, a copy of the orders directing the student to report for active duty will be required to support waivers from our standard policies. 

In the event that the departure is sudden or of an emergency nature, the student may retroactively request consideration under this policy within 30 days of their return from active duty. 这个政策是附加的, 并与, 现有的政策, including Board of Regents Executive Memorandum 23, 如下所列.

学生 should contact the 注册商’s Office, 华纳大厅, 865-8527, to initiate a complete withdrawal or to address any questions about this process.

行政备忘录编号. 23

1. 一般

This Policy shall be implemented in order that the 内布拉斯加大学 might provide equitable, consistent treatment to its students who are called into military service and to facilitate their ability to continue their education once that military service is completed.

2. 资格

学生 who are regularly enrolled in any or program offered by the 内布拉斯加大学 are eligible for the benefits described in this Policy, if they (a) belong to a military unit that is called into active duty, or (b) are drafted and not eligible for deferment; such that the date upon which they are required to report to active duty prohibits them, 实际上, from completing the term in which they are enrolled.

3. 课程和成绩选择

An eligible student may elect to cancel registration in all classes in which they are enrolled at the time the call for duty is received. 在这种情况下, the student shall receive a full refund for all tuition and student fees paid on behalf of that student. 在另一种情况下, the student may request their instructors award a grade or an incomplete for all classes. 如果给出一个不完全, the instructor shall provide specific instructions to the student regarding the study and activities required to complete the course and a copy of the instructions shall be placed in the student's educational records file. 如果获得了分数和学分, the instructor shall award a grade reflective of the student's performance, taking into consideration the quantity and nature of the curriculum through the time of the student's departure. 最后, the student shall have the option of withdrawing from selected courses, receiving a pro-rated refund of tuition and fees for those courses, while also opting to receive a grade or incomplete in other courses in which the student is enrolled.

4. 接受经济资助的学生

Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Policy, administration of financial aid with respect to any eligible student shall be consistent with federal and state law. 学生 otherwise eligible for these benefits, 接受经济援助, should immediately contact the financial aid office on their respective campuses, where each case must be addressed individually, based upon the particular rules applicable to the relevant student. The campus financial aid offices shall address these matters in such a way so as to minimize the financial hardships to the student, while complying with the applicable law and regulations.

5. 出版

This Policy shall appear in all student catalogs and be placed on the websites of Central 政府 and each Campus.

6. 系统应用程序

This Policy applies to all administrative units of the 内布拉斯加大学. Each campus may provide supplemental policy guidance, 与本政策一致, designed to implement the provisions herein, including guidance relating to fees associated with meals and housing, 教科书, 停车, 实验费和课程费, 还有其他附加费用.
