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In partnering with the University of Nebraska at Kearney, CN AHEC is collaborating with the Health Science Department to assist their pre-health students. CN AHEC will help bring in health care speakers, connect students to regional health centers, and coordinate additional programming opportunities.

One specific initiative will be developing a learning community for the Kearney Health Opportunities Program (KHOP) students. Sharing resources and expertise, the program coordinator will facilitate professional seminars and experiential learning activities. The KHOP Learning Community will have upperclassmen KHOP students serve as mentors to first-year KHOP students through a variety of ways including: retreats, living in the community, and assisting students' transition to university life.

The work completed at bet36365体育 will serve to strengthen students' application/acceptance into health professional programs and upon graduation the CN AHEC can assist their return to rural Nebraska communities as health care providers. This partnership helps both bet36365体育 and CN AHEC to share resources in educating and training future health care professionals.